Dec 4, 2022Liked by Elliott Sharp

Excellent! Then there is the Latin, extempore…

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Dec 5, 2022·edited Dec 5, 2022

Great read Elliot 👍🏼 Interestingly enough I just had a luthier (Kelvyn Daly make a small bowable double neck, the Octacello … a “tenor uke?” neck and a 1/8 scale cello/viola … Magnetics and Piezo‘s etc. arriving soon after waiting over a year!

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Thanks for your feedback Ken. Will be very curious to see/hear the Octacello!

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It sounds great so far, especially bowing 6 (of the 8) strings (one an octave down) .. Would love to show it to you when it’s totally ready!

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Would be great!

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Will be in touch 👍🏼

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