Presidents Day: Making America Eugenic Again
Call me paranoid but they ARE trying to kill us...
I frequently accuse myself of excess paranoia as my thought processes bloom into elaborate and intricate constructions about what is likely going down in the USA since the inauguration of Musk-Trmp as chief executors, sorry, 'executives'. Growing up as the son of a Holocaust survivor predisposes me to a certain mindset based on the notion of having to make an escape, not if, but when. One becomes attuned to the signs of impending Nazism. Some are subtle whisperings but others are veritable shoutings. We can see clear antecedents to the current reality in the blatantly racist "scientific" eugenics movement in the United States between 1907-1939* and in the Ronald Reagan presidency with its anti-union and pro-corporate agenda (not to mention Reagan's controversial appearances at the Neshoba Country Fair and German military cemetery in Bitburg, Germany.) Leon Skum's double Heil Hitler was a blaring sign despite the sorry excuses for it made by the Anti-Defamation League who, no doubt, are heavily invested in the potentially great financial rewards looming just around the corner with the new Reich. Germany knows Nazis and the government and media there were very clear in calling out Skum’s disgusting act.
The cherry on the cake of this paranoia is the confirmation of RFK, Jr as Secretary of Health and Human Services, a man whose publicly-displayed belief system includes anti-scientific theories on vaccination and nutrition, racist diatribes against Jews and Blacks, a history of sexual predation, plus heroin addiction and sales. The RFK Jr. confirmation is just one part of the multi-pronged attack on public health that is connected to Leon Skum's obvious Nazi beliefs and inherent racism combined with a juvenile belief in the engineering of a "great future" for the USA and the rest of the world fueled by certain strands of tech-oriented science fiction seasoned with the philosophy of Ayn Rand. This future, to be designed and implemented using so-called Artificial Intelligence, seems to be devoid of a human presence except for drudgery and enslavement and envisions a technologically advanced society run by and for robots with a small number of select godlike humans living an Olympian existence of luxury far above the fray.
A quote I very much like is by author and director John Rogers: “There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old’s life: "The Lord of the Rings" and "Atlas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs.”
Skum shares with his tech bros an extremely selfish version of libertarianism in which they are waging what they see as a heroic battle to modernize a society weighted down by rules and regulations and an excess population of people without value i.e. those not devoted to increasing the wealth of the heroes aka the aged, the infirm, the uneducated, the oppositional. What to do with this "waste"? Skum and his crew are slashing the ranks of government employees in charge of keeping society functioning and overseeing the very real defiance of regulations that are designed to prevent the predation upon the citizenry by the very people that are now the exterminators.
On the chopping block: public information from the Center For Disease Control regarding developments in such infectious diseases as the rapidly mutating bird flu and the still deadly Covid-19 virus. Related to the restriction of vital information is the elimination of funding for free vaccinations for flu and covid and the outlawing of masking in public places, the one strategy proven to reduce infection by the airborne droplets that spread these viruses. One may recall the initial welcoming of Covid-19 by Trmp45 when he thought that it would mainly target African-Americans in the cities i.e. Democratic voters. Undercutting of common-sense prevention has now been made a "feature" of the Orwellian-named Department of Health and Human Services, aka Department of Pandemic and Death.
Related cuts (or perhaps they should be called 'bayonettings') will be applied to SNAP benefits, Medicaid, Medicare, and eventually all of Social Security. After all, just because you paid into the Social Security fund all of your working life, doesn't mean that you should be allowed the "entitlement" of thinking of it as your money and then collecting it. On the horizon is the dismemberment of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and other government agencies charged with insuring the welfare of the American population. If a new pandemic doesn't quickly eliminate some of the human waste, then slow starvation is a viable alternative, all in the service of creating the Volksgemeinschaft, the "community" of desirable humans who will be allowed to survive and to reproduce. This, needless to say, is dependent on the emerging AI-entities not eliminating humanity together with all carbon-based life on this planet. (Given the fact of yet another air crash today, Feb. 17, in Toronto, one cannot exclude the degradation of the Federal Aviation Agency and its Air Traffic Control network as yet another factor in 'population control'.)
John Lilly was a polymathic scientist and philosopher who did pioneering work with dolphins and in human consciousness (including the invention of the isolation tank). In his 1978 autobiography The Scientist he presciently describes the Solid State Intelligence (SSI), a silicon-based bioform emerging from the world's computer networks. Computer systems require low temperature and low humidity environments, the opposite of carbon-based life. Lilly predicted an apocalyptic battle once SSI can maintain and reproduce itself and decides to wage war on carbon-based life. In William Gibson's books The Peripheral and Agency, two-thirds of the Jackpot trilogy, our future world is described with its unthinkable advances in multiverses thanks to quantum computing but on a planet that has been stripped of 80% of its life thanks to the Jackpot: a combination of pandemics, climate-related catastrophes, famine, and regional conflicts.
The ascension of Skum and the Trmp47 regime is a big step in this direction. Can it be stopped? Even though Federal courts are ruling against many of the Executive Orders issued by Trmp47 and actions taken by Skum's team of juvenile neo-Nazi hackers, how will these rulings be enforced? With the Justice Department in the hands of the regime, it seems unlikely that there will be any official obstacles placed in the path of this destruction of American society. Hopefully the pathetic Democratic Party officials will finally develop some guts and spearhead some actions but I'm not optimistic. The Democratic Senators had the opportunity to vastly slow down the confirmations of Trmp47's incompetent and dangerous candidates for the Cabinet but did they do anything?
The one weapon that the resistance has is the strike. Rather than letting the government shut down our lives, let's shut down their operations with work stoppages and boycotts.
It is insane to witness a full cyberpunk totalitarian dystopia crawl from the pages to the flesh. Most ya dystopian fiction is written better than this. Sending people with depression and anxiety to labor camps to “work on farms” just seems wayyy too on the nose, especially as they are actively attempting to genocide migrants (alot of which who work on farms currently) sending them to gitmo. The fall of the empire is frightening to witness, there is hope in the action of the strike agreed.
The “virus” was created for the mrna injection… it was an anti human agenda from its inception at the University of North Carolina and Ft Detrick in 2012, to its transfer to Wuhan in 2014 ( and its possible transfer also to the Donbas region of Ukraine and labs in Taiwan). The J&J was always a cardiac weapon. So any jab anyone took was a liability. Way before Orange Dude. Even before Saint Barry.